This meet was another milestone in EC Bangalore chapter. Citibank has expressed strong interest to partner with us and we conducted our meet at Citibank conference room on 24th Sep
The meet was attended by more than 25 startups, though citi wanted only 25 due to space constraint. From Citi side, their south India President, Branch Vice President apart from their sr managers attended the meet. It was a great meet with people from diverse domains and verticals including representation from J&K state, waste management, Startup company from Kenya, free online store setup ( The session was started by City Mayor, Subranil with short introduction on EC, our philosophy, vision and mission , followed by City VC on their partnership and then quick tips on marketing pitch to VC and how finance plan and marketing plan should align. The session was concluded with Q&A and then by future plans by Subranil and then plans with Citibank. Citibank was super excited with the gathering and meet and appreciated the fact that so many people turned up despite rain and bad bangalore traffic due to rains. Networking and discussions though went on beyong 9pm |
April 2023
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