![]() Anand Tomar: (Lecturer, UK College of Business and Computing, London) The big day is not very far and we are still in a dilemma. Yes, you are right I am talking about the Day of Judgment, when we are going to cast our vote either ‘to Remain’ or ‘to leave’. Please be assured. I am not going to bother you with another debate of ‘in’ or ‘out’. I am just trying to look into the issue from the perspective of a common man (i.e. politically illiterate and concerned for his day to day life) Believe me or not there are many people in the UK who are not even aware of the fact, that Britain is member of the European Community since 1973 nor the benefits or loses accrued due to such memberships. Thanks to the advanced media of the day and this high tech era that makes everyone talking about it. You will be surprised, if I tell you that even ‘Aryan’, my just nine year old son asked me, ‘Dad what will happen if UK decides to leave?’ So, this is the impact of in or out. We all have disputes, dislikes, and a chain of differences of opinions coupled with various problems in our day to day life, at our workplace, home and in all sorts of relationships. For example if you don’t like a few things in your partner do you abruptly go for divorce or try to fix such things that were bothering both of you? Just close your eyes and think what will you do in that situation? I am sure we all want to mend it, and for this we need to be in a marriage because by opting for divorce we are just closing the doors for all the chances of improvement and developing the relationship. The outcome of divorce will certainly be bitter and it is not a fruitful solution. This is the way a common man lead’s his life on a day to day basis, and now for the Country – the question is did we make sufficient efforts and conclude divorce to be the only option? If not, then we need to think. I do understand and agree with the people’s concerns about the interference of European Union in UK in some areas. There are a few flaws in the EU-UK treaty, which needs to be reviewed for sure, which is assured by Mr. David Cameron. Here I would again like to say, that ‘we need to be in it to win it’. Mr. David Cameron is asserts to be very much concerned about the future of Britain, that’s why he asked all of us to get ‘registered to vote’, regardless of which side you want to take, because he is very much confident that we will arrive at the right decision with more and more numbers of views from the people of our nation. All of us need to give our say in the referendum. Transparent approach is the best way to resolve difference, and that is exactly what Mr Cameron appears to do. Not a single person, who is supporting the ‘leave campaign’ comes up with this transparent approach why? Because they themselves are not sure about the benefits of leaving EU. We should save our relationship with EU which is now more than ‘Four Decades’ old. Both EU and UK developed a lot in these four decades, then why are we suddenly thinking of a divorce? How can we just forget and forego the strengths of such a long relationship without any sufficient reason for it? Believe me it is all politically plotted for some short term and individual gains and the common man is left at cross roads. For God’s sake don’t get trapped in politically biased views. Politicians are showing us various facts and figures to support the ‘leave campaign’ but we should not blindly believe them. For example we all are aware of the information given to us that EU costs £ 350 million per week to UK (as advertised by leave campaign), but we don’t know how much on what we are getting back as rebate? And the leave campaign is saying that we can use the funds in developing our NHS. But why they are focusing only on NHS? Just to play with our emotions! Unfortunately, statistical information and the various conclusions derived appear to be more oriented towards ones preferences than the facts. Dr Sarah Wollaston MP, Chair of the Health Select Committee, was part of the leave campaign but now realise that leaving Europe would damage our economy, resulting in a ‘Brexit Penalty’ four our health service – hitting us and our family. She is now voting to remain. Even the leaflet which I got in post from ‘leave campaign’ says that ‘There are risks in voting either way’ so what should we do? We should support EU in order to convert the world into a good place to live for every human being. And policy makers should amend the faulty legislation to make the bond stronger. I think the voters need a complete, valid and reliable information to make an informed decision. Unfortunately, the noises are too many and makes the choice more difficult. However, it is imperative that we need to take a decision. This should not be biased of any misinformation given to us in either way. Lastly, I want to place a humble request that, whatever you decide, make sure that, ‘this is your own decision’. Your decision should not biased by any political person or view. So, think carefully, scrutinise all the Facts, Figures, analyse Pros and Cons before casting your vote. TO MAKE YOUR FUTURE BRIGHT PLEASE VOTE FOR SURE. We are all human communicating to one another even one is a deaf. I could not imagine any living citizens on this earth live without communication. Communication is 'Connecting'. If communication is not important, how come most of Telco providers around the world are making tons of money via the quality improvement of the package plans, lines and other subscribed services?
Moreover in business, communication is part of critical entrepreneurial skill. Being an entrepreneur, one should master the effectiveness of communication since it is the core to strengthen and deepen the connection with others particularly customers, improve the teamwork, solve day to day problems and making decision. Even what to convey is negative, the effective communication has the best way to deal without inflicting conflicts and destroying trust. Communication does show your personality. The arts of communication is not how eloquent you speak English or different languages like in Dictionary, but the vital point is how far people understand what you are trying to say or inform. Being entrepreneurs, you should know how to communicate clearly to your customers and targeted audience. How would the public know what you do and what you have if you don't communicate? Ethical communication is crucial these days since many seem have lost the values and forgotten how to behave when communicating to others due too much succumbed with 'gadgets era style of communication'. Jargons are widely used and basic manners are less appreciated and 'uprooted'. Least that you know, in certain circumstances a winning deal is just because of you have the best manners in communication. Listening as an art of communication. Ironic isn't it? But that is the situation when everyone wants to talk but no one wants to listen. Communication needs two ways traffic. Many fail to listen patiently and carefully which led to miscommunication, misunderstanding and at the end, missing many great opportunities and amazing things. When you are listening, it means you are giving time to yourself to digest the info, then to communicate effectively back. Again, communication is about how we send the message and receive it. Listening is a duet partner to Communicating. It needs to jive together to make a successful communication. So, take note all entrepreneurs, if you want to win your deal and the heart of your customers, start to remember this tips. LEARN TO LISTEN. Communication is very much influenced by our attitude and thinking. For example, if a person is matured and rationale in his or her thinking, whatever to convey would be at the right time, right subject, right individuals or entity with the right manners. We are all human. As much we want to touch the soul of other human beings via communication, we should firstly understand the 'soul of communication'. No matter how fast and modern the technology communication develops, the greatest approach is always started with basic respectful manners and values in every each of us. I believe you YOURSELF is the best communication tool and image to the world at large. Not your gadgets. Effective communication gives you good feelings, best result and maximum satisfaction. It may take times for some entrepreneurs to improve their communication but the more experience you polish your communication, the more effective you can reach your goal. Writer Profile: Sue Kamal is the Co-Founder & Business Development Director of Solution Makers Consultancy (SMC) United Arab Emirates, Award-Winner 2014 Brand Ambassador Alleem Achiever Award UAE & 2014 Special Leadership Award of Alleem Business Congress UAE, 2015 WAVE USA Certified Entreprenologist, An International SME Council Member of ICSB (Washington D.C), ACSB (Asia) & ICSMEE (Malaysia), ‘City Mayor of Entrepreneur Café Kuala Lumpur – World Cities’. Very actively involved at international scene particularly encouraging business and trade into Middle East & Africa region. Email: [email protected] |
April 2023
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