Yet another successful meeting in Hyderabad, where the attendees got to learn a great deal about patents and licensing in India. We had Mr. Farook Musthafa Shaik, a CMA who has expertise in registering companies, share his wisdom with us. He talked about the importance of brand names, patents, and trademarks and how vital they are in adding to the future worth of a company as intangible assets. He also talked about how these intangible assets play a major role in the valuation of a company. He further elaborated on the legal requirements for registering a company and how they depend on the company type i.e. whether it’s a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC (Limited Liability Company), Private Limited Company, etc. We also discussed about software patents in particular as we had some entrepreneurs with tech start-ups who wanted to know the nitty-gritties of patenting software and protecting them. Another discussion point was creating strong brand names and how one should name a company in a way that makes it easy to launch multiple products under the same brand name. The attendees exchanged their views on the same. The discussion was so engaging that one hour was not enough and the meeting continued for another hour! It was a very knowledgeable session indeed. A big thanks to Mr. Farook Musthafa Shaik for sharing his knowledge and all the other attendees for making the discussion so insightful. Ideas discussed, knowledge shared, and horizons broadened! Let’s keep the ball rolling, entrepreneurs!! Cheers! -Akanksha City Mayor, Hyderabad Entrepreneur Cafe Kuala Lumpur was very honored to have Madam Nisa, an IP Expert who provides IP legal advice, consultancy and training. She is also a Member of International Council Member of SME & Entrepreneurship Malaysia. We had discussed on many spectrums of IP in the present business and work basis. One hour from 6.30-7.30pm was not enough to us since the issue was so criticial in some point of our work production. Too many inputs we gathered and opened-up our horizon about IP rights and protection. Personally speaking as City Mayor, I am very privileged to have her to talk on this subject matter since she has such a vast and analytical experience on IP issues locally and globally.
Entrepreneur Cafe Kuala Lumpur was also very pleased with the surprise visit by Actor Razif Hashim who was at the Entrepreneur Cafe KL during 4th session. As an actor who's very much busy with his acting rehearsal, commercial and TV production shooting, as well as his role in mentoring programs and juggling with his own food business, he managed to squeeze his little time to say 'hi' to the participant. Short visit but sweet :-) Again, another interesting meeting were more entrepreneurs, future entrepreneurs, students and professionals came to discover the concept, and meet the pitchers.
Before the start of the Meeting , Sara OUELD EL HACHEMI, Co Founder of the Entrepreneur Café and Casablanca City Mayor had a brief one to one discussion with the participants to find out who among the attendees were entrepreneurs and would like to talk about their businesses at RADIO PLUS. Then, M. Oussama AKRAOUI – Chief Editor of RADIO PLUS, a local radio station was interviewing entrepreneurs and students to get their impressions about the Entrepreneur Café, and also ask them about their businesses and brief experiences. The Radio will broadcast the interviews on April 15th at 8pm (GMT+1) @Radio Plus. As a special guest, we received M. Rachid JANKARI- Journalist and Ipemed expert we spoke about the Information Technologies in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. He was pleased to share the result of the research he has made while writing his book about entitled “Les technologies de l’information au Maroc, en Algérie et en Tunisie -Vers une filière euromaghrébine des TIC ? » He encourages entrepreneurs to not only limit their marketing strategies and sales at the local territory but also look to extend it to the international level, as he emphasised that the real opportunity is there. According to him, there are 6 main axes that should be developed to favorise the emergence in the IT field: funding, innovation, mobility, the development of mutual digital infrastructure, support for the Euro-Maghreb and international export and development in private and public ICT network. You can download the book at : Contact: Rachid Jankari Twitter @jankari Our second guest was M. Choaib Mouannissi, General Director of ZEVA, and Financial Director of ASTEC who spoke about the problems that face entrepreneurs at the start of their projects. He emphasised on the fact that creating a company might be a good choice, but the entrepreneur should be aware of the difficulties he might have to face during the first months; especially for someone who used to work and get a monthly salary. Entrepreneurship does not guaranty revenues from the first months. Being optimistic and patient is the key to succeed. Also, some participants talked about the fact that payments delays can also be considered as Becoming an entrepreneur means you have to leave behind the security of having a paycheck each month. On the other hand, being an entrepreneur has advantages. Often people do not feel fully compensated for the work they do. Becoming an entrepreneur means you can reap the benefits of all your hard work. Although entrepreneurs benefit from a flexible schedule they often have to work very long hours particularly in the start-up phase. Furthermore entrepreneurs’ work schedules are never predictable and they must deal with emergencies that may occur at any time. In the contrary, having control over your work schedule means that you can choose when to take time off and work the schedule that suits you best. Talking about responsibility, the entrepreneur is responsible for all decisions can be quite stressful and handling and such responsibility can be difficult. In the opposite, entrepreneurs are able to make all of the decisions relating to their company themselves; they have complete control. This allows for a huge degree of independence and a chance to shape one’s own career. There is also great risk attached to entrepreneurship. The success or failure of the business rests with the entrepreneur However, becoming an entrepreneur is a very exciting time, from the idea and start-up to the development and realisation of the product or service.. Entrepreneurship can offer levels of fulfilment and achievement that are hard matched by any other type of employment. A great idea teamed with passion and commitment will certainly help a new entrepreneur overcome many of the challenges posed by starting their own business. Last but not least, M. Majid Yaaza (Technopark) and M. Younes Diouri announced that on April 23rd will be held the Nov’AFRIQUE forum, where investors, politicians, bankers, CEO of companies and groups coming from Africa will meet entrepreneurs. The aim of the forum is to offer a platform to discuss and debate key challenges and opportunities within the hospitality industry, real estate, pharmaceutical, oil, mining and agriculture, renewable energy, infrastructure.., and also develop new partnerships and strategic alliances between different stakeholders and promote new formulas in the field of funding and investing on new projects .The program is available HERE. The 9th Meeting of the Entrepreneur Café is exceptionally going to take place at TECHNOPARK-Casablanca on April 23rd at 6.30 PM. See you there ! Contact us for more information: Sara OUELD EL HACHEMI Sara at the rate casaeducation dot com +212 666 13 17 38 The Entrepreneur Café meeting in Nairobi always has some regulars and some newcomers. This was the constellation during the 6th meeting, too. James was specifically looking for a group like that, after trying to network in expensive hotels and at golf tournaments, where people are not really interested. Caroline does general supplies and struggles with acquiring tenders. Zak has started to sell cloth material from Nigeria in Kenya and learned along the way that the Nigerian and the Kenyan taste are indeed different. Generally, we want to “scale up”, as James puts it: not only do we want our businesses or business ideas to pick up and grow. We also want to take Entrepreneur Café to the next level. With the suggested topics for the coming months and the global convention in November, there is enough motivation to do so. Entrepreneur Café is still the regulars’ table for hustlers, innovators, creative and motivated people. Zak comes to “talk problems out”, so that he gets them out of his head. James attends in order to get to know people who share the same challenges. With them he can openly talk about his successes and also his failures. And for Daniel the meetings are a great source of inspiration, motivation and advice. We keep expanding our ideas and goals as we are learning from each other as well as from invited experts. 4/10/2015 An Awesome, Empowering & Fantastic session of Entrepreneur Cafe Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ~ 9th April 2015Read NowIt was an unforgettable night for me as The City Mayor of Entrepreneur Cafe Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Instead of 3 hours heavy rainfall when the session was just about to begin. I had invited an IP practitioner but due to heavy rain, most people who wanted to attend had to re-scheduled their plan. And that is KL! :-) Rain can really make the whole thing stuck and slowed down. Finally, Entrepreneur Cafe KL were attended by credible, knowledge and profound figures which are Dr Pauline T. Crawford ~ The President of World Association of Visioneers and Entreprenologists (WAVE) USA, Dr James Omps Jr ~ The President of International University of Entreprenology, USA and Feexa Nicoll of 'The Hijab and The City' ~ A celebrity stylista, model, a Yoga expert who well-known in ASTRO Yoga TV channel and a numerologist who commonly appear on TV and fashion/entertainment magazine. We started off the session by talking about the IP understanding, borders and challenges. Then, it got more interesting since Feexa Nicoll exchanged her side of stories about working life at entertainment/fashion industry. It was really fun since Entrepreneur Cafe is all about chilling out, have some coffee and knowing about others empowering opinion even we're in different field. That's what it made the Entrepreneur Cafe KL so happy-yippie everytime we got together :-) We don't stress-up but we take things as it is. Our session this time was really a happening one since Dr Pauline T. Crawford had made a surprise to myself as The City Mayor of Kuala Lumpur, not only conferring me as the Member of World Association of Visioneers and Entreprenologists (WAVE) USA but I was being awarded such a prestige 'Certified Vision Engineer' which is the highest level given by The Profession Certification Board of WAVE as an Entreprenologists.This is not an easy accreditation process which I have known WAVE is very much strict on their selection and criteria. Indeed, I am very speechless until now on such prestigious world accreditation on my work as an entrepreneur and the recognition on how I see differently about the entrepreneurship is. The WAVE Award has surely lifted my belief to be more bold, creative, distinct, innovative and intuitive toward business world and entrepreneurship. Leveraging our maximum potential by knowing ourselves first, is one of the issues we talked about since people these days are so into seeing something big and bizzare in front of them but they dont really see the biggest potential is actually within them. We exchanged thoughts on this interesting subject about neumorology ( a human character kind of knowledge through numbers ) since Feexa Nicoll is a great numerologist! :-) It is one of my favorite subjects coz I am a strong believer of highest human potential development and I have proved it! Maybe our session was not a full-packed room Entrepreneur Cafe session but it ended more than two hours with too many things so outstanding which we thought we couldn't get enough. With the quality inputs, impressive future collaboration, professional info/knowledge gained and an excellent Award night, I am very sure all of us went back with HAPPYness and great smiles on our faces. I thank you again on the awesome Award Accreditation I received from The President of WAVE USA which happened at Entrepreneur Cafe, Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA :-) Stay Cool, Stay Positive! Sue Kamal City Mayor Kuala Lumpur Entrepreneur Cafe ![]() FAILURE, a scary word for many of us as an individual and entrepreneur. Some may feel ashamed, embarrassed or even the end of the world for their life. But DONT BE. Learn to comfort your mind to see good and positive things in every situation. Positive Mind and Attitude will see failure is the learning experience and an effective training ground. Fail is part of life. If you don't fail you don't learn, you don't gain lessons. If you don't fail, you don't change and you will never grow when you don't change. Some of us like to bother what people say, what people think. Forget about people. They are not in your shoes. They are not the one who understand what you are doing. So, why bother. Keep in mind, neither success nor failure ever a final in what we do. The greatest failure is fail to try. So, you must be proud of yourself because you have failed even how many times because you have tried! :) As the Basketball Superstar Micheal Jordan said 'I have failed over and over and that is why I succeed'
If you look and read the story of most successful people in the world on what they do, they have gone through disastrous failures, rejection and even humiliation. But look who they are now. So, if you think failures are the result you are not continuing what you believe you want to do, THINK AGAIN. The biggest mistake is when you don't want to learn anything from your failures. Sometimes behind that failures hide many answers to pave your steps to success. Don't worry about the failures. Worry about the chances you will miss to fix your yourself to be a better person, better entrepreneur for SUCCESS. Incredible strength will come always behind the failures. You must turn failures to an atomic synergy in YOU. So, be the Entrepreneur who is not afraid to fail but waiting for the fantastic moment to take the place of failures anytime from now! Say to yourself, ' I am not afraid of anything. Go, Go and Go! ' :) 'Think like a Queen. A Queen is not afraid to fail. A failure is another stepping stone to Greatness' ~ Oprah Winfrey Sue Kamal City Mayor of Kuala Lumpur Entrepreneur Cafe |
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