JustKapture.com World’s first free, premium photo printing & delivery service, has been launched, exclusively for the people of Hyderabad. Founded by IIIT – Hyderabad alumni, Just Kapture delivers quality photo prints to users, right at their doorstep, for FREE. They provide a hassle free printing solution to users and a unique advertising medium, along with coupons/discounts.
JustKapture.com was launched on 1st March 2015, and has already accumulated 7000+ registered users, growing at almost 50% per month since inception in March 2015, with 20K+ prints delivered. Users can log into the website & choose photos from Facebook, Instagram or upload photos from their device. Once they select their photos & place the order, Just Kapture prints them on premium quality paper (300GSM) & delivers it to their doorstep, free of cost! On how JustKapture came to be, Founder Rahul Agrawal said, “We were gifting photo prints to one of our friends and we realized that the blank space behind is being wasted! That’s when we figured, it could be very valuable advertising space, which is personal, yet does not intrude upon the users.” Ads Pay. You Print. The photo prints are free, as Just Kapture places relevant advertisements behind the photos. They have tied up with 10 advertisers & collaborated with 4 startups and are looking to make many more strategic partnerships in the near future. “The initial response from clients was mind blowing! They were very excited about placing an ad behind a photograph, they believed it was truly personal and would strike an instant connect with the users”, added Founder Manish Agarwal. With the increased usage of digital photography & social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and more; people have stopped printing their photos. Except for weddings & few other occasions, the charm of printing out photos & storing them, is slowly dying. Just Kapture believes this to be happening as printing has been a cumbersome experience for users. Starting from saving, storing, transferring photos, to the hassle of finding reliable printers & getting free time to print the photos at a reasonable cost has deterred users from printing them. Just Kapture is aiming to reduce these hassles & deliver good quality, free photo prints to users at their doorstep. Around 5 million people in Hyderabad have internet access, and this is growing at a rapid rate of 33% every year. Just Kapture aims to reach their target audience with a marketing mix of Traditional & event based promotions. When asked about the reaction from customers, the co-founder said, “It was amazing to see the ‘thank you’ messages from happy and satisfied consumers! They were quite surprised by the high-quality of the photos and couldn’t wait to order more. Nothing is more encouraging, than to see the end-users happy.” The team comprises of professionals from top colleges, with over 10 years of experience in Product Development, Branding, Marketing, & Sales. They aim to make Just Kapture the premier photo printing service across India and are now hiring to expand aggressively. You can now log in to JustKapture.com and place an order for 6 photos. For the first time, Entrepreneur Café –Casablanca Meeting took place at the Haistee Restaurant. Very cosy place with amazing range of food and beverage.
On October 8th , 2015 and for the 16th Meeting, Sara OUELD EL HACHEMI, Co Founder of the Entrepreneur Café and Casablanca City Mayor invited “ESPACE BIDAYA” Team to talk about their new incubator that will open and receive candidates starting from November. It is a branch of “Le Comptoire de l’Innovation-Paris”. The meeting started by a presentation of the Entrepreneur Café concept for the new participants , and was followed by presentations of Mrs Ines Benmohammed and Mrs Marie Jouhaut from Espace Bidaya , which are specialized in supporting innovative startups. They support and promote the development of social entrepreneurship in the World. Through many incubation programs, and in the ambition of the development, implementation and development of projects. Manageo, is the product of BeWeb, a digital communication agency based in Casablanca. Its General Director Mr Youssef Lemrini explained the actual need faced by startups and terms of managing and following up bills, resources, the evolution of the turnover…It is a kind of Dashboard for Entrepreneurs that allow them follow day by day all the tasks and revenues. Ayoub Hamdoussi, Founder of www.TeachMe.ma , a Moroccan platform that connects teachers to students who need extra classes in different subjects.This platform will help students find the right people to work with them in order to ameliorate their levels in studies and succeed in their academic years. Osama Hussain, is a genius and great entrepreneur. He is one of the rare people who take the risk to give up important positions, develop and create video games. He is actually the Co-Founder of Moroccan Game Developers. Osama and his team participated to many international gaming competitions! A good example to follow! You never know, his games can replace CandyCrash in couple of months;) The last and youngest entrepreneur of the meeting was Salma Benlamlih. Salma decided to create her own sturtup in parallel to her studies. Libity.ma is an e-Commerce platform that offers divers products for men and women as well as HighTech. Almost 70 participants joined for the 16th meeting, interesting discussions, good networking atmosphere and real business opportunities! Join us for the next meeting on Thursday 22nd October 2015 at 6.30pm @Haistee Casablanca! The 5th meeting of Entrepreneur Cafe El Jadida has been organized in same cafe of the historical hotel l’Iglesia in the Portuguese city on the 8th October 2015.
The theme of the meeting was: why did you choose to be an entrepreneur? The participants were especially students, and fortunately Madam Bouchra Tibary, responsible of creating at the provincial Delegation of Industry and Trade, was among us, he explained to participants why should we choose entrepreneurship by giving a lot of examples of failures and successes of entrepreneurs. The theme was very interesting especially in the presence of students who were very reactive and show a real interest! Stay tuned for the Next Meeting! ClickOn October 8th, 2015; the 1st Meeting of the Entrepreneur Agadir took place at Yacht 33 Address in Agadir. Entrepreneur Café is facing a big success all over the globe. Entrepreneurs and projects holders attend the Meetings to discuss about their projects.
This event was jointly organized by Amal Ben Attou and Allaoui Abdessamad the city mayors of Entrepreneur Café in Agadir. The first meeting of Entrepreneur Café in Agadir was a successful one with more than 60 participants who have shared their ideas and debated about different aspects of entrepreneurship. Mr. Younes Qassimi, the first speaker, is the founder of Synergie Média, company specialized in communication. He is also the organizer of Maroc Web Awards and the creator of platform ev.ma which is is a cultural platform for the promotion of Moroccan different events. The speaker shared with the audience his experience in the entrepreneurial field. Younes offered many advices to the young generation in terms of techniques and paths to be followed. Younes’s ambition, power of his wiliness and self-confidence are the basic elements of his adventure as an entrepreneur. Mohammed Amine Bourhil the second speaker, holds a design and Implementation Master of Data processing Systems from INSA Lyon.He is the founder of SSIT and Burontic. . Our 2nd speaker shared with Entrepreneur Café participants his operational and optimistic view toward business field and the entrepreneurial process. He focalized the importance of challenge, initiative and actions. Najib Tamghicht the 3rd speaker, founder of Venture Business is a young entrepreneur who started his career at an early age of 14. Najib as well shared his career process with Entrepreneur Café audience, he explained how he succeeded to integrate the Moroccan market throughout a wise market study strategy which consists of working as an employee in different Moroccan firms. Agadir is amazingly full of young entrepreneurs who just need a push and Entrepreneur Café meetings to express themselves and talk about their ideas and projects! See you next Meeting! Cheers! here to edit. Hello,I hope you are doing well I am glad to share with you this great experience of the fifth meeting of #entrepreneurcafe at café des arts the 8th October :
The meeting was characterized by the presence of a mix of young people from different industries but reunited for the same thing which is entrepreneurship , there were young entrepreneurs , economics and entrepreneurship students who wish starting their own business in the near future and be the future social entrepreneurs We assisted to the intervention of several young entrepreneurs in fes city Mr. #YounesElbourkadi founder and manager of the company Smart Business Circle who spoke about his experience in the world of entrepreneurship and how he got the idea to create his own box. Mr #IssamChoumi free a young entrepreneur with a consulting firm and a consulting and entrepreneurial coach, who also spoke about his experience in entrepreneurship since these studies until its top dispolme and launching after its own box. Mr #BaderBrigui a young entrepreneur and founder of the Ilyascom company specializing in communication and events, and told us about his journey from working full-time with the idea always to create his own box through the work part time to start its case by working as a freelance and end when he decided to focus on his own project, despite the demands of life and the difficulties encountered. Founder of Miss #YousraEssabbani DelicesExpress social project that offers a home delivery service, having as delivery, traditional dishes and Moroccan pastries in favor of single mothers. With rich interventions by youth experiences in the same city and nearly the same condition it was assisted to a debate about entrepreneurship and how to take action with clean, poor means but the point is to take action, the difficulties that may be encountered and how to fix it. it was an honor to attend and see people as ambitious and courageous wishing to work together for the development of their city and their country and region One more great gathering and meet on a most relevant topic for start-ups, managing your network attended by more than 24 people including Caroline from vibha women (women entrepreneurship forum), MNC bank, start up Accelerator, travel startup, location and guard tracking startup, etc in a unquie cafe called art blend cafe, at HSR layout, Bangalore.
We have many view points, experience, inputs and learning. Key points discussed and debated Supreet (founder) Fexfree.com , shared how fexfree.com can help in building referral trusted network. It was further discussed how to build a trusted network of people from diversified group and domain. How it helps in learning and expanding your horizon. Selfless networking, whether it should be very focused Networking with objective of immediate gains or building a long term connect and recall. However another view point was whether we can spend our time in networking with someone who may not be relevant and may not add value to ones objective It was concluded logically by Subranil Gangabasi (City Mayor Entrepreneur Cafe, Bangalore)that for start-ups with initial stage, it makes sense to connect and learn as much as possible and once established start-ups can afford to manage their network more diligently . Networking went beyond late evening with art lovers, bankers and others. With the unveiling of Rajasthan Startup Policy by Rajasthan's Chief Minister at Rajasthan Startup Fest held on 9th - 10th Oct 2015 at Jaipur Exhibition and Convention Center, there is no second thought that Rajasthan is emerging as a startup state. And Entrepreneur Cafe is truly making a difference in this emerging ecosystem with its Jaipur chapter handled by Miss. Rachna Ghiya. She was glad to be invited in the "Ecosystem Panel Discussion" held at the fest for telling about Entrepreneur Cafe so that more entrepreneurs can associate with this organisation. The panel consisted of key players who are helping entrepreneurs in Jaipur to take their idea to the next level.
Nagpur had another enlightening session with Mr. Sanjay Singh. The tips & techniques he explained were so significant that I guess everyone who attended the session will see a boost in his sales book.
Also thankful to Mr. Singh for a complimentary consulting session for the attendees. 5 Takeaways from the session: 1. Do you know what challenges you face in your Business? 2. Answer a question with a counter question, a dialogue is necessary with the customer. 3. Let the prospect customer win the dialogue, and you win the customer. 4. Historic records can be the indicator, but cannot be the basis to set the target. 5. Network as much as possible, it will enable you to showcase your product to larger audience. |
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